Beyond Club Nights
Through the club there are often opportunities to participate in local flower festivals and even national events, which could mean getting involved with organising or stewarding at these, entering flower arrangements or preparing exhibits. Individuals from our club were involved with the celebration of the Magna Carta in 2015 at the Royal Holloway College, have provided flower arrangements for the Commonwealth celebrations in Westminster Abbey and even presented flowers to Pope John. More locally we were invited to create arrangements for the World War 1 Centenary exhibition held at St Bart’s Church in 2014, have taken part in the Horley in Bloom competition and are involved in the organisation of the annual flower show at Wisley. So lots of opportunities to be involved at any level you feel comfortable with, if you want to take it further.
Horley Flower Club is affiliated to the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS), which is split into 21 areas. We are part of the Surrey Area of NAFAS who also organize their own workshops, courses and events that members can attend; details and diary dates are given out at our club nights.