Programme 2024/2025






    Competition Title

February 6th

Nicola Wright Changing Seasons For the One I Love

March 5th

Friends/Members Take a Bunch of Supermarket Flowers Not Quite a Bunch!

April 2nd 

Auction and Fish and Chip Supper   In the Pink!

May 7th

Eleanor Bracken Magic of Spring Seeing Red

June 4th

Gavin Lambert A talk on becoming a florist  

June 29th

Summer Show*    
July 2nd Duncan Ward A Taste of Brighton Verdant

August 6th

Workshop   Simplicity
September 3rd

Dee Watkins

Eco Structures Heat Wave
October 1st Ben Cross  A talk about Alstromerias Tall and Slim
November 5th Claire Bryant Now for Something Completely Different!

It's Got to be Fireworks

December 3rd Helen Hare Starry Nights

A Bit of Holly

December 7th Christmas Show*    


January 7th AGM The Regent Hall, Albert Road


February 4th tbc  

Frosty Morning



Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at The Regent Hall,
Albert Road, Horley, RH6 7JA at 7.30pm

Annual Subscription £60

Visitors £8


* Events take place at English Martyrs Church Hall


Evening Competition rules.

Competitions take place according to NAFAS rules.
Exhibited on a table. Space allowed 45cm wide x 45cm deep x height optional. To be viewed and judged from the front.