Club Shows


Horley Flower Club arranges 3 shows over each 2 year period. Every show has a different theme and members compete in up to 10 different classes, each with titles related to the theme. Members can exhibit in one or more classes and there are classes for all abilities including Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Master Class with Open classes in which members of any experience can enter. The judging is done by a NAFAS qualified judge and a local dignitary comes and presents the cups and trophies. We hold the shows on Saturdays, in a local venue and welcome the public to come and take a look and decide for themselves which of the designs they like best. As well as all the wonderful arrangements, there is a tombola, plant sale and raffle, and tea and cakes are available all afternoon.

The last show was our Christmas show entitled 'Feast for the Eye'. There were some stunning entries in the show. It was held as usual at the English Martyrs Church Hall, from 1.30pm - 4.00pm on Saturday 7th December 2024. Photos can be found on our facebook page.


We have another show planned for summer 2025 on Saturday 5th July to celebrate our 65th Club Anniversary. The title is 'Rhapsody in Blue'. More details to follow.

See photographs in our Gallery of previous shows