LATEST NEWS...........


At our October meeting Ben Cross came and spoke to us about his alstroemeria nursery down in West Sussex; Crossland Flower Nursery. Ben talked about the origins of the nursery back in 1936 which was originally developed as a small holding, part of a government subsidised collective providing food for the nation, which adapted its crops with changing demands and later specialised in sustainably growing British alstroemerias.He buys his plants in under licence to  grow for cut flowers. He talked to us about his glasshouses, the growing conditions needed for the plants, and the constant tending required. The stems are hand picked all year round and bunched up on site the same day by a specialist machine. It was very interesting to hear about the supermarket labelling of flowers and how country of origin is now not always included on the label. Ben brought some freshly picked alstroemerias with him and many of us bought bunches and were delighted at how long his blooms lasted and the amazing number of colourful flower heads on each stem. Ben does sell to members of the public directly and flowers can be ordered for delivery online.



COMING UP...............


At our clubnight on Tuesday 5th November, we have Claire Bryant coming to present a flower arranging demonstration entitled 'Now for Something Completely Different!' Claire has come and done demonstrations for us in the past and she always has an original take on things, so I am sure the arrangements will live up to the title. 


Our Bring and Buy table in November is 'Christmas Decorations'.  These can include any that you have made or any pre-loved decorations. As last month we would be grateful for items which if not sold could be donated and used in the Christmas Show Tombola.  


Why not enter the monthly competition. The title for November in keeping with our meeting on Guy Fawkes night is 'It's got to be fireworks!'. It would be lovely to see your flowery take on rockets, catherine wheels or sparklers in aid of the Air Ambulance charity.


Have you ordered your copy of The Flower Arranger through Amanda Skingley yet? It is a quarterly magazine with lots of photos, interesting articles, ideas for seasonal flower arrangements, and step by step guides to creating different designs. Why not take out a subscription for 2025? It is £16.50 for 4 magazines as buying them as a member through the club offers a 26% discount over buying them at the newsagents. 


Our Christmas Show 'Feast for the Eye' is on Saturday 7th December at English Martyrs Church Hall (10-4pm).The schedules came out last month.  Please submit your entries to Joyce Worts. The closing date is Monday 25th November. It would be lovely to see lots of you entering. I know a number of people said they were not confident to enter in the summer show but would enter the Christmas one here is your opportunity! Glitz and bling encouraged!  If however you are not entering the show then why not come and help serve teas/cakes or run the tombola or raffle for half an hour. A rota for volunteers will be circulated at the next 2 meetings.