LATEST NEWS...........
The AGM was held in January. Thank you to all who brought food along to share. We had a great feast and a lovely time to chat after the main business of the evening had completed.
Our Chairman, Janet, reported on the club activities during 2024 and acknowledged all those involved in organising and supporting the activities which included an interesting programme of talks, workshops and demonstrations, 2 shows and a delicious afternoon tea. In addition to the shows, successful fund raising through the new Bring and Buy table, the sales table, plant sale, auction, the monthly raffle and occasion flowers really boosted club finances. Janet thanked Cherry and Jan for all their hard work, as they stepped down from running the sales table and acknowledged how grateful we are that Amanda P and Jackie have agreed to take it over from them.
Our President, Marcia reported on plans for the outing to the Rural Life Living Museum on May 22nd and for our Summer Show on 5th July. The Treasurer, Jane, reported finances were very healthy with a further increase in income over expenditure, over and above that shown in the previous financial year, which put the club in a very stable position. It was agreed to maintain the membership fee at £60 per annum and visitor fees at £8.
Although no new members came forward to serve on the committee, the current serving Officers and Committee members agreed to stand in the coming year and were reelected.
For the last year we have supported the charity Kent, Surrey, Sussex Air Ambulance and through our monthly flower arranging competition run by Linda and Coral have raised £120.80. As numbers entering the monthly competition have dwindled it was announced that a new activity for raising funds for charity is to be introduced and both St Catherine's Hospice and the Cat Protection Trust will be supported through this in 2025.
COMING UP...............
It is our Sapphire Anniversary Year. The club has been running for 65 years so come and celebrate with us. Our first demonstration of the year is on February 4th with Michelle King arranging to the title of 'Once Upon a Time'. Michelle has been to our club before and did a wonderful demonstration using some really beautiful flowers on the theme of the Tour de France which linked to the time she spent living in France. It was very interesting and enjoyable so we are really excited to have her back. We look forward welcoming both returning members and new members. Encourage your friends and family to come and visit us and try us out.
Annual Subscriptions are due Tuesday 4th February
Remains at £60 for the year which is excellent value for 12 meetings
You can pay by cash or cheque on the evening and we can also take card and phone payment, or if you prefer you can pay directly into our bank account. Bank details will be provided to current members by email but can be obtained by contacting the Treasurer.
Bring and Buy Table returns for 2025 - 4th February 'Toiletries and Gift Sets'. Bring along one or two small items eg hand creams, boby lotions, shower soaps. Unsold items can be reclaimed or will be kept for future tombola/raffle prizes.